Showing posts with label Hobby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hobby. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

First Look: New GW paints, probably.

Hello there, sorry for not posting anything for a long time(I was busy playing Mass Effect 3, but now I can return back to the living). As a way of making this up to you I post rumored list of new GW paints(list is taken from MWC, so kudos to them). Before we get to this list, a quick update on my plans. Last week I played my first two games of Infinity so later this week you may expect few thoughts about this awesome game. And now the list:

The List:

Ceramite White
Averland Sun
Jokaero Orange
Mephiston Red
Khorne Red
Naggaroth Night
Daemonette Hide
Kantor Blue
Macragge Blue
Caledon Sky
Stegadon scale green
Incubi Darkness
Caliban Green
Waaaagh! Flesh
Castellan green
Death world forest
Zandri dust
Steel Legion Drab
Bugmans Glow
Ratskin Flesh
Mournfang brown
Rhinox hide
Dryad bark
Mechanicus standard grey
Celestus grey
Abaddon Black (the only black in the range)
Rakarth flesh
The fang
Screamer pink
Leadblecher (metal)
Balthasar Gold (metal)
Screaming Bell (metal)
Warplock brown (metal)

White Scar
Yriel Yellow
Flash gitz yellow
Troll slayer orange
Fire dragon bright
Evil sunz scarlet
Wild Rider red
Wazdakka red
Squig Orange
Xereus Purple
Genestealer Purple
Warpfiend Grey
Slaanesh Grey
Alaitoc blue
Hoeth blue
Altdorf guard blue
Calgar blue
Teclis blue
Lothern blue
Sotek green
Temple guard blue
Kabalite green
Sybarite green
Warpstone glow
Moot green
Warboss green
Skarsnik green
Loren Forest
Straken green
Nurgling green
Elysian green
Ogryn camo
Ushabti Bone
Screaming skull
Tallarn sand
Karak stone
Cadian fleshstone
Kislev Flesh
Bestigor flesh
Ungor flesh
Skrag brown
Deathclaw brown
Tau light Ochre
Balor brown
Zamesi brown
Doombull brown
Tuskigor fur
Gorthor Brown
Baneblade Brown
Administratum grey
Eshin grey
Dark reaper
Thunderhawk blue
Skavenblight dinge
Stormvermin fur
Ulthuan grey
Pallid wych flesh
Russ grey
Fenrisian grey
Pink horror
Emperors Children
Ironbreaker (metal)
Runefang steel (metal)
Gehennas gold(metal)
Auric Armour(metal)
Hashut Copper(metal)
Sycorax Bronze(metal)
Brass Scorpion(metal)
Runelord Brass(metal)

Casandora Yellow
Fuegan Orange
Carroburg Crimson
Druchii Violet
Drakenhof Nightshade
Coelia greenshade
Biel-tan green
Athonian camoshade
Seraphim Sepia
Reikland fleshshade
Agrax earthshade (Devlan Mud)
Nuln Oil

Praxeti White
Hexos palesun
Lucius Lilac
Etherium blue
Skink blue
Hellion green
Underhive ash
Eldar Flesh
Tyrant Shell
Terminatus stone
Longbeard grey
Changling pink
Necron Compound
Golden Griffon

Lamenters yellow
Waywatcher Green
Guilliman blue

Mourn Mountain snow
Stirland Mud
Blackfire Eath
Armageddon Dust
Lustrian Undergrowth

Lahmian Medium
Ard coat
Imperial Primer
Liquid Green stuff

For me, this looks promising, changing to the shade/base/layer format seems like a good idea. I only hope that they won't reduce amount of paint i the pot and/or rise price per pot. Getting rid of the crappy flip-top pots would be nice. Since I used Vallejo paints I love bottles instead of pots, also I hope that GW will finally make better bronze/brass/gold metallics(well I have't found any good metallics in this colours, anyone?).



Saturday, March 3, 2012

List Time #1: 250p Japanese Sectorial Army

Feb. 28th i wrote a post, where i presented three army list for my current systems(Infinity, WM/H, WFB), due to my mistake this post got lost:(. So here I present to you first of the list(along with the few WIP photos of my first Aragoto). This time for Iinfinity. This is my(soon-to-be-complete) army list for JSA. 


 GROUP 1 (Regs: 9/Irrs: 1):

  ARAGOTO Lieutenant Combi Rifle + Light Shotgun / Pistol, Knife (25 | 0.5)
    MOV:8-6  CC:14  BS:12  PH:11  WIP:13  ARM:2  BTS:0  W:1  
    Regular, Impetuous, Cube
    CH: Mimetism, Motorcycle, V: Courage, Lieutenant

  ARAGOTO Spitfire / Pistol, Knife (29 | 1.5)
    MOV:8-6  CC:14  BS:12  PH:11  WIP:13  ARM:2  BTS:0  W:1  
    Regular, Impetuous, Cube
    CH: Mimetism, Motorcycle, V: Courage

  3x KEISOTSU Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife (9)
    MOV:4-4  CC:14  BS:10  PH:10  WIP:12  ARM:1  BTS:0  W:1  
    Regular, Not Impetuous, No Cube, Linkable
    V: Courage

  KEISOTSU Missile Launcher / Pistol, Knife (25 | 0.5)
    MOV:4-4  CC:14  BS:10  PH:10  WIP:12  ARM:1  BTS:0  W:1  
    Regular, Not Impetuous, No Cube, Linkable
    V: Courage

  KEISOTSU HMG / Pistol, Knife (18 | 0.5)
    MOV:4-4  CC:14  BS:10  PH:10  WIP:12  ARM:1  BTS:0  W:1  
    Regular, Not Impetuous, No Cube, Linkable
    V: Courage

  SHINOBU Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Monofilament CCW (50 | 0.5)
    MOV:4-4  CC:20  BS:11  PH:13  WIP:14  ARM:1  BTS:-3  W:1  
    Regular, Not Impetuous, Cube
    Martial Arts L5, CH: TO Camouflage, Superior Infiltration

  NINJA MULTI Sniper Rifle / Pistol, Shock CCW (50 | 1.5)
    MOV:4-4  CC:17  BS:11  PH:12  WIP:14  ARM:1  BTS:0  W:1  
    Regular, Not Impetuous, Cube
    Martial Arts L3, CH: TO Camouflage, Infiltration

    MOV:6-4  CC:22  BS:9  PH:14  WIP:15  ARM:1  BTS:0  W:1  
    Irregular, Not Impetuous, Cube
    Martial Arts L5, CC with 2 Weapons, V: No Wound Incapacitation

 250 Points | SWC: 5

Army Infinity v.3.0. -

This I hope to master and crush my enemies with. It's a wild guess on what I would need on the battlefield(I hope that my choicesw are correct, if not I'll have to adjust). If everything goes ok, next month this list will be ready and I'll start the field tests. Until know, since I don't have everything I need I'll try to catch few games to learn the rules and to learn how to wield my JSA properly. That's it for now, I leave you with the pictures promised on the beginning of the post. If any of you have any thoughts on this, please, don't hesitate to comment.

Painting white is hard. This is my first try.
Hopefully second Aragoto will turn out better than this one.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hobby Project: March Update #1

Look what the cat dragged in , Nevermind the date its way off.
Yeah, yeah.. I know, I should be posting those lists that I effed up yesterday. But today I have something more interesting that my lousy army lists(they will return tomorrow). I bought some new stuff. Today few models found shelter on my painting desk. A Japanese Sectorial Army starter, Aragoto box and a Keikotsu with ML. I planned to buy two starter sets but my LGS was short on ALEPH starters(so I decided that I'll buy more models for the JSA instead). I returned home with a big smile on my face and imediately started to unpack my new minis. They are as nice in person as they are on the pictures but when I assembled them I cursed my large bulky fingers and small parts of the models(like Aragoto handlebars). To put together an Oniwaban was a little nightmare as well(pinning them to be precise).

Little dark, sorry :P, Also base is WIP
Other than me, killing my wallet, I painted a new mini for Warmachine. It's a Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator! I love this little bugger, and painting him was a lot of fun(while it lasted, which wasn't very low). I chose a classic scheme with black hat and light brow coat. I'm really proud of him. Those WM/H stuff is very, very cool. I'll be getting a Winterguard UA(Standard and Officer), they'll be at my door later this week. I tried to get Widowmakers but they didn't have them.

And last, but not least, this weekend I attended a WFB Torunament(it's called Bazyliszek). It was a 2400pts ETC Format tournament with 120+ attendees. Also, it was my first tournament since 6th edition of the WFB. We played 5 games over 2 days. I played Dwarfs(their army list will be posted tomorrow).  My opponents were, in this order: Skaven(they crushed me 0:20), Skaven(the same, 0:20), Warriors of Chaos(this time i was victorious, 18:2), Dark Elves(a victory!, 17:3) and Skaven(this was supposed to be a victory, but due to my mistake it was a draw, 10:10). I was 91th overall(thanks to lack of experience and borrowed minis). It's not very impressive position but i think that is not bad for a total tournament noob(well I have played six games of 8th ed total).

That is all for today. I hope you found my ramblings interesting, and my english, didn't make you bleed through your eyes.



Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hobby Project: Vulkan, Vindicare and Sorcha

Over last few weeks, i was bored. I've got a break at my university so i sat at my desk and painted few things. So without further ado:

Vulkan He'stan

Wow, this model is so cool! I love it! Painting it was a real challenge due to the number of details and intricate armour. I painted it for my friends Salamanders army, and as a practice. I'm very fond of it. Sorry for the blurry picture, when i'm back from my in-laws i'll try to get a better picture and switch it. I love the idea of lava base always wanted to try one. Lava was made of green sutff and the rock is a wine bottle cork. 

Vindicare Assassin

This Vindicare I found in my bits box. I love this model. In my opinnion its one of the best modes GW has ever made. I know, that, this is another blurry picutre :( I wasn't aware of this until i added it to the picassa gallery. I must also work on the background.

Forward Commander Sorscha Kratikoff(or eSorscha)

Although my 2400p WFB Dwarf army isn't finished, i grew bored of painting little, bearded madmen.(lets face it, plastic 7th ed dwarfs are not the best of GW miniatures). So i starded reading about WarmaHordes(or HoMachine as Frontline Gamers says :D) and decided to make little force of Warmachine for me. I chose Khador because of their cool Imperial, Tzar's Russia theme, but i thought tha it will be cool if i paint them like the Red Army. Here is my first attempt to do so. Sorscha is a lovely model, and i tried my best. I'm pretty much happy with how it turned out.

Coming up next are: Kovnik Joseph Grigorovich(WM/H), Imperial Inquisitor(40k) and some dwarfs(or dwarves, who knows?) And later this month some Infinity models(well maybe i'll make a review).

